A multilingual website is only as good as the translated content it offers.

Because accurate, culturally appropriate translation is foundational to successful website localization, it’s important to evaluate providers against a checklist of capabilities.

The first thing to bear in mind is that you get what you pay for. Selecting a translation vendor on price alone can lead to headaches down the road: botched translations, costly revisions, content integration issues, and a poor customer experience.

Our free e-book covers pricing considerations, as well as these five important criteria to use in selecting the best provider:

  • High translation quality
  • Fast turnaround times
  • Flexibility
  • Technology integration
  • Multimedia and multichannel capability

You’ll also learn about specialized tools and resources used by leading website translation solutions to ensure that their work consistently reflects your brand, style, voice and industry terminology.

Download this e-book containing:

  • Discussion of human vs. machine translation
  • Description of the many different web content types and formats
  • Details on the ideal quality assurance process
  • Insights into the importance of translation certification, translation turnaround times, and effortless turn-key convenience

Choosing a high-quality translation service will pay dividends by driving customer satisfaction with your localized site—and your brand—as you expand into new markets.

Download the e-book

Keep Learning

Discover even more insights in these related e-books:

Standardization vs. Customization: Finding the Right Approach for Your Global Website

Standardization vs. Customization: Finding the Right Approach for Your Global Website

Content Localization Solutions for Finding Translatable Content

Content Localization Solutions for Finding Translatable Content

Discovering Translatable Content Online

Discovering Translatable Content Online

Different Marketing Channels, Different Translation Technologies

Different Marketing Channels, Different Translation Technologies


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