It takes more than website translation to succeed in global markets.

To generate the best-possible business results for your localized sites, you should optimize them to maximize traffic and on-site conversions.

This e-book answers your questions about localization and optimization, including:

  • How can SERP rankings impact worldwide corporate reputation?
  • What are ‘hreflang’ implementations and how do they impact global search results?
  • How do global sitemaps help search engines discover translated content?
  • What solutions can detect and remember visitor language preferences?
  • How do optimized multilingual sites generate business success?

Finding a vendor that offers effective, efficient optimization capabilities will fast-track your success in international markets.

    Download this e-book containing:

    • Insights into the value of combining translation and optimization
    • Actionable intelligence for improving your localized website’s user experience
    • Characteristics of great vendors that can successfully implement these optimizations

    Remember: Translating your website doesn’t represent the end of your journey to serve international customers. It’s the beginning.

    Download the e-book

    Keep Learning

    Discover even more insights in these related e-books:

    Standardization vs. Customization: Finding the Right Approach for Your Global Website

    Standardization vs. Customization: Finding the Right Approach for Your Global Website

    The Business Impact of Translating Your Digital Channels

    The Business Impact of Translating Your Digital Channels

    What is Website Portal Translation?

    What is Website Portal Translation?

    A Guide to Selecting Markets for B2C Brands

    A Guide to Selecting Markets for B2C Brands


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