Translation Technology

Learn Why MotionPoint’s Solution is Better Than the Competition’s

Our turn-key solution and technology-centered business model set MotionPoint apart from the rest.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

December 26, 2017


When it comes time to localize your website for global customers, you’ll discover that there’s plenty of translation vendors to choose from. In fact, there are so many, finding the right one can be overwhelming.

While all vendors have their strengths (and weaknesses), most fall within two main types:

  • Translation technology companies
  • Translation agencies

Read on to learn more about these two types, and the kinds of challenges you’ll face with their solutions. You’ll also discover how MotionPoint’s superior approach differs from them both.

Translation Technology Companies

Some of MotionPoint’s competitors offer technology solutions for customers who want to localize their websites. They claim to provide superior translation technology, but that’s all they provide—just the technology.

That’s not enough for most businesses. With these technology-only approaches, you must still implement, set up and operate the solutions on your own. This demands a large development team, along with the management of complex processes and workflows. Beyond the actual process of translating content, creating multilingual websites also require you to:

  • Export translatable content from your back-end system
  • Send this content to translators
  • Oversee a complicated, error-prone translation workflow
  • Uploading that translated content into your CMS instance
  • Test for quality
  • And more

And that happens on an ongoing basis. Do you have the staff or bandwidth to babysit your translated site day in, and day out?

Technology-only approaches require you to implement, set up and operate the solutions on you own.

MotionPoint’s approach is different. Our proxy-based technology solution is fully turn-key. Initial setup and ongoing operations are managed at launch, and continually, by MotionPoint as part of a service package. This requires no practical effort or involvement from you.

With MotionPoint, there’s no need to hire more employees (or overwork your current ones), no learning curve to master the skills needed for website translation, and no worry about integrating CMSs, platforms or solutions. MotionPoint’s approach is hands-free, future-proof and turn-key.

Translation Agencies

Other competitors focus solely on the translation aspect of website translation. These agencies have adopted solutions that enable them to provide website translation—but since the act of translation is their main focus, and not technology, these solutions are often undercooked.

Websites are complex. Their content is stored on disparate systems in a wide array of formats and codes. Inferior website-translation technologies often have difficulty detecting this content, and can even overlook it altogether. As a customer of a traditional translation agency, you could end up with a patchwork, shabby, partially-translated website—a major liability for any brand.

This compromises the immersive in-language customer experience, and causes many visitors users to bounce.

Traditional agencies struggle with website translation. You could end up with a patchwork, shabby, partially-translated website.

The business model of these agencies is also flawed. Their primary revenue drivers are centered on translation, which means they want to maximize your translation spend. They charge absurdly low price-per-word translation rates to dazzle prospects, but slip in hidden fees to recoup their losses.

Further, their technologies aren’t optimized to reduce translation volume and costs. As a result, you end up paying extra for repetitive or unnecessary translations.

MotionPoint’s approach is different. Our customers don’t have to worry about compromised website experiences or bloated translated costs. Smart technology is at the core of our business model, not price-per-word translation.

The end result: We deliver world-class multilingual websites without busting your budget.


Unlike all other approaches, MotionPoint’s technology and turn-key solution are built specifically to solve the operational complexity and cost of website localization.

Our technology was built with the express purpose of minimizing operational complexity for our customers. While other companies use applications designed to improve their internal translation process, only MotionPoint provides a fully turn-key solution.

And while other vendors try to increase your translation costs, our business model is to provide operational efficiency, cost savings, speed to market and flawless performance, so that you can succeed and expand your global reach.

Last updated on December 26, 2017
Reagan Evans's avatar

About Reagan Evans

Reagan Evans is MotionPoint’s SVP of Sales. He has a strong background in sales and data management and has nearly 10 years of executive level experience in the field. He uses his expertise in global sales, new business development, sales production, and data organization to drive MotionPoint's market expansion and new client acquisition. Evans leverages MotionPoint’s industry-leading technology to drive sales and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

SVP, Head of Sales


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