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Building Customer Trust Goes Beyond Website Translation

To win in global markets, you can’t merely speak the language, our EVP writes.

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April 21, 2017

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Serving online customers in international markets comes with two primary challenges, a MotionPoint executive recently wrote in Internet Retailer:

  1. Generating brand awareness
  2. Converting visitors into paying customers

“The best way to serve your global consumers is by providing websites in their preferred languages,” Executive Vice President Craig Witt wrote in a guest column for the publication. But that’s simply the first step in creating meaningful relationships with these customers, he says.

According to Witt, embracing these tactics can help the right customers find your multilingual sites, stay there, and keep coming back:

  • Multilingual Social and Search
  • Localized Pay-Per-Click
  • Locally Preferred Payment Platforms
  • In-Language Customer Service
  • And more

Read the full story, and gain even more insights, at Internet Retailer.

Last updated on April 21, 2017
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