Jan 23, 2025
Top 3 Reasons to Localize Your Marketing Content
Hello. I’m Evan Kramer, CEO at MotionPoint, and I’m talking to you today about the top three reasons why multilingual content marketing, is essential for your business, especially if you are in multiple markets or, live in a world where there’s multiple, languages spoken within your country.
And so, really, three reasons that I wanna talk about today. The easy one, SEO.
You can get, a seventy percent lift, in your market if you apply SEO optimization in a multilingual content marketing program. So if you’re in the United States and you want to target Hispanics or bilingual, you should be having content that is produced, in Spanish.
If you’re targeting multiple countries, you should be and you’re actually doing commerce in those countries or business in those countries. You should be targeting that to get your SEO lift. So there are cultural differences. And for the most part, you need to make sure that your brand, can resonate in those different cultures and apply to whatever is happening into that country or that specific language.
Do not rely a hundred percent on word for word translation because it may not resonate. So make sure your brand has that authority. You get twenty percent on average better conversion in a primary language spoken by an individual. So if you’re in the US trying to do content marketing in Spanish, you should try to be utilizing Spanish content to get higher engagement and higher conversion rates.
If you’re running a campaign in Germany because you are launching a new product, you you should be doing the same thing for a content marketing program. So three great reasons, to do content marketing that’s multilingual, and continue to to look out for these opportunities. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to motion point dot com. Thank you very much.
Categories: Website Translation, Marketer, Streamline Operations, Optimize Performance, Video