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‘B2B E-Commerce World’ Highlights Hardinge’s Multilingual Online Success

Learn how MotionPoint helps Hardinge engage global customers in eight languages.

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February 26, 2019


Hardinge Inc.’s relationship with MotionPoint was recently highlighted in an article for B2B E-Commerce World.

Hardinge manufactures and sells advanced metal-cutting machines worldwide. The company recently leveraged MotionPoint’s fully turn-key localization solution to reach customers in European and Asian markets with accurate translations of its highly-technical content.

MotionPoint localized Hardinge’s online content into eight languages.

“We provide very technical specifications of our machines on our website, and we need to make sure that the information is easily understood by our customers that span the globe and speak many different languages,” explained Allan Snider, Hardinge’s global marketing director.

“The global site is performing well,” Snider added, noting that the multilingual websites are already seeing increased traffic and page views.

Get the full story at B2B E-Commerce World.

Last updated on February 26, 2019
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