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Companies Embrace Digital Transformation to Boost Efficiency

Businesses face an immediate need for technology-based solutions that make them smarter and faster.

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April 03, 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Businesses are increasingly leveraging digital platforms to strike a balance between cost-savings and productivity. “Most of our customers look less at cost reduction than cost avoidance,” says EVP Craig Witt about MotionPoint’s localization solution in an article for IHG Business Edge.

Digital platforms streamline workflows and support greater efficiency for businesses. MotionPoint’s solution, for example, automates the complicated process of website translation while allowing customers to avoid the cost of hiring and training new personnel.

An expanding market of digital platforms helps businesses tap into data-driven insights, provide visibility into factors impacting the bottom line and alleviate general and industry-specific pain points.

Read the full story at IHG Business Edge.

Last updated on April 03, 2019
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