International Business Strategies

Embracing Change: A Winning Strategy

MotionPoint’s CEO shares his company’s history—and how prospects and clients can help transform your business into an industry leader.

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December 10, 2015


Being the world’s leading website localization provider—and discovering ways to maximize the value and impact of localized sites in ways that transcend translation—wasn’t what MotionPoint intended to become when it was founded 15 years ago, Will Fleming recently told The CEO Magazine.

Fleming, MotionPoint’s CEO, shared a brief history of the company with the magazine’s readers, and explained how two strategic pivots not only redefined the business, but ensured its very survival.

These meaningful business changes were brought about by listening to clients and prospective clients, and integrating that feedback into MotionPoint’s offering, Fleming said.

“When chatting with prospects and clients, uncover the impediments they want to achieve, and glean how your unique perspective can help them find a solution,” he told the magazine.

Learn more about MotionPoint’s history, the pivots it has made during the past 15 years, and Fleming’s insights and advice for other CEOs at The CEO Magazine.

Last updated on December 10, 2015
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