International Business Strategies

MotionPoint Shares Industry-Leading Perspective on Proxy-Based Localization

Slator, a news site covering the Language Service Provider (LSP) industry, recently featured insights from MotionPoint's SVP of Client Services on website localization.

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October 20, 2015


Slator, a news site covering the Language Service Provider industry, recently featured insights from MotionPoint SVP of Client Services Charles Whiteman in a story examining the proxy-based approach to website localization.

MotionPoint is widely known for pioneering this approach.

Whiteman dispelled several misunderstandings about the approach, including its ability to support complex, content-rich sites for large companies. The proxy-based approach also delivers compelling traffic and engagement through in-language Search Engine Optimization and URL optimization, he said.

Read the full story at Slator.

Last updated on October 20, 2015
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