Technologists & Developers
Most development teams become overwhelmed during ambitious digital translation projects. Whether the project is internal or outsourced, IT pros face time-wasting processes and heavy technology demands. There are other risks, such as:
Traditional approaches make website translation technically challenging, and difficult for other teams to integrate and use without substantial help and support.
Security Concerns
Legacy solutions can’t efficiently handle complex websites and single-page applications. These gaps compromise the user experience—and may pose security and privacy risks.
It’s hard, if not impossible, for most solutions to keep up with a website’s ever-evolving technology stack. This creates ongoing technical and uptime issues that IT must fix.
The continual technical effort required to make website translation efficient and repeatable renders most approaches inadequate—or irrelevant—for the long-term.
MotionPoint’s unique offering is its technology. It’s designed to handle all of the under-the-hood complexities that make web and digital content translation such a burden for your team.
Compatible: Our solution offers the most advanced proxy-based technology. It eliminates technical integrations and easily delivers translations to your multilingual sites.
Future-Proof: Our technology can handle any platform, CMS or programming language—and it always will. It offers seamless migration when you re-platform, too.
Portal-Ready: MotionPoints’s industry-leading technologies also effortlessly handle secure login areas, such as portals for patients, employees and business partners.
Effortless: Only MotionPoint’s solution is fully turn-key at launch and ongoing. We provide all personnel, processes and technologies. Launch and operation is worry-free.
MotionPoint’s technology leverages the code and content of your origin website, enabling us to translate, deploy and continuously operate multilingual versions for new markets.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services chose MotionPoint because of its demonstrated ability to deliver on five key, complex requirements.
“MotionPoint stands out for its ability to handle large projects quickly and accurately,” says the department’s Director of Digital Communications.
Chief Knowledge Officer, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
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Translate your website in 90 seconds with the best AI-driven solution for Marketers.