
Website and Multichannel Translation for a Hyperconnected World

Localizing content in flexible ways is critical in a digital-first business world, our EVP writes.

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May 14, 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Localizing websites and omnichannel content is a key way to improve a brand’s CX and customer engagement in international markets. But simply translating a website’s visible text may not be enough for customers to find—and convert—on a multilingual website.

In a recent guest post at MarTech Advisor, MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt shared several ways companies can improve their sites’ CX as they scale to serve global customers, such as:

  • Translating metadata to optimize SEO and increase discoverability in local search engines
  • Improving the customer experience with customized seasonal content, or region-exclusive promotions
  • Leveraging the strengths of both human and machine translation to maximize your team’s resources and budget

Get the full story, and discover other tips, at MarTech Advisor.

Last updated on May 14, 2019
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