Translating web and digital content demands more effort, people and money than you think.

Localizing websites and digital content requires an unexpected variety of tasks and stakeholders, leading to continuous effort, hidden expense and slow entry into new markets.

These challenges distract companies from maintaining their origin websites and other content, and puts their businesses at risk.


Traditionally, creating multilingual websites require many different processes beyond translation, including:

1. Export

Exporting content from back-end systems

ExportYou must thoroughly identify and compile all on-site content for translation (including text, images, multimedia, PDFs and more), before the multilingual site is translated.

2. send

Sending source files to translators

SendYou must oversee the transmission of translatable content to in-house translation teams or offsite vendors, and then own the process of getting that material translated quickly and accurately.

3. Oversee Workflow

Managing an error-prone translation workflow

Oversee WorkflowYou must also manage the vendor, ensure they’re doing their job, and own the process of vetting the translated content for accuracy, authenticity and brand consistency.

4. Upload

Receiving and copying the translated content back into your system

UploadYou must integrate the translated content into the proper international instance of your multilingual CMS, to serve the right global market.

5. Test

Test for quality

TestYou must assure the translated content fits seamlessly within established page templates, and doesn’t “break” page designs due to word growth and other translation-related issues.

6. Maintain

Synchronizing daily changes

MaintainYou must follow this complex and costly process again and again, every time you add or change content to your website.


Most companies lack sufficient staff to handle the tasks of website translation, or don’t own technology built to accomplish them, or don’t have the methodologies and expertise to make it all happen.


Most companies don’t have—or can’t afford to hire—more IT and marketing people to handle the ongoing burdens of website translation.

Worse still, current employees are already spread thin, and can’t take on more work.


Most content-management platforms aren’t designed to manage multilingual websites, and fall short under the demands of day-to-day translation.

Connector plugins can regularly fail, or create translation vendor lock-in.


Many marketers have mastered the art of effectively engaging their flagship markets.

But they aren’t experts in all global markets and cultures, haven’t developed efficient translation workflows, and aren’t trained in technology development.


MotionPoint never blindsides you with lowball quotes, hidden costs or extra fees. Our business model is to provide operational efficiency, cost savings and more to combat these common budget-breaking expenses:

Unexpected Workloads

The total cost of managing a multilingual site is higher than commonly perceived.

Companies often neglect to consider both the cost of their own employees and additional resources.

Expected Costs

Budgeting for website translation requires accounting for the project’s scope, cost-per-word translation rates, technology licensing fees, technology integration costs, project-management fees and more.

Hidden Costs

Translation vendors sneak extra fees into invoices, bloating your translation spend.

Companies also face unexpected workforce costs (like when staff helps with translations) and IT expenses.

With MotionPoint, you don’t have to hire more employees, or master translation skills, or worry about integrating CMSs, platforms and solutions.

MotionPoint is the answer.

We offer a fully turn-key website translation solution, and an integrated approach for localizing omnichannel content. This saves you the time, money and energy you need to focus on your origin market.

Further Reading

Customers in global markets expect to be served in their preferred languages. Meet their needs with a localized customer experience that drives your international growth. Learn more about the challenges—and the opportunities:

The need-to-know about web localization.

MotionPoint offers resources with insights on the complications, challenges and costs of website translation. Here’s one of them.

Learn how MotionPoint does it.

MotionPoint’s turn-key approach eliminates complexity, effort and expense, while delivering world-class localized sites—fast.

Satisfied customers serving global markets.

MotionPoint translates websites and omnichannel content for some of the world’s most iconic brands. See what we’ve done for them.

Let’s Talk.

Ask us how we can help you grow globally, easily.

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